On the 22nd of February 1999, the area comprising the Mamfe pastoral area was raised to a diocese carved out from the diocese of Buea. The diocese had 6 parishes and today, 15 years after the diocese has 25 parishes, 4 deaneries and 291 mission stations. It has a total population of about 142.285 Catholics. The diocese has a total of 46 diocesan priests, 8 Fidei Donum Priests, 5 Religious priests, over 68 seminarians, 14 trained catechists and 248 untrained catechists, they all form part of the agents of for evangelization. Religious institutions are also part of the agents of evangelization and consists of 6 Religious congregations for sisters and 2 for brothers. The total number of primary schools in the diocese stands at 23 and secondary schools are 7. The diocese also has 1 Vocational Training Centre, the Divine Providence Vocational Training Centre as well as, the School of Tropical Agriculture and Natural Resources under the Catholic University of Bamenda, Cameroon. There are 2 Hospitals, and 5 Rural Health Centres. From September 19th 2014, the diocese became the seat of the second English Speaking Major Seminary in the whole of Central Africa, the St John Paul II Major Seminary, Bachuo Ntai – Mamfe.

Diocesan Pastoral Formation Team (DPFT)
DPFT: Staff of Diocesan Pastoral Formation Team

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The main activities for 2015 comprised of: Planning meeting for the Diocesan/Deanery Pastoral Formation Teams (funded by Mamfe Diocese and Aid to Church in Need); Ongoing formation for the implementation of the Pastoral Plan (funded by Mamfe Diocese and Aid to Church in Need); Diocesan Catechists Seminar (funded by Mamfe Diocese and Aid to Church in Need); Annual Pastoral Retreat for Priests (funded by Mamfe Diocese and Aid to Church in Need); Vehicle project (funded by Mamfe Diocese and Aid to Church in Need); Religious books and African Bibles (funded by Aid to Church in Need).

Other Pastoral evangelization work including administrative expenses were financed by Mamfe Diocese while Diocese of Bozen supported equipping the office.

DPFT: Planning meeting for the Diocesan/Deanery Pastoral Formation Teams

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DPFT: Ongoing formation for the implementation of the Pastoral Plan

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DPFT: Catechists Seminar

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At the dawn of the New Millennium and at the wake of the New Evangelization which Pope St John Paul II constantly made reference to, the Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda began a pastoral revival under the theme: “The New way of being Church”. This new way is based on evangelization and pastoral work from the grassroots, from the families, neighborhoods (Gospel sharing groups), amalgamations of Gospel Sharing groups (Small Christian Communities) to the Mission Station, Parish, Deanery, Diocesan and Provincial levels.

A close study of Ecclesia in Africa has helped us to come out with major areas of concern or themes, which need particular attention in our efforts to evangelize in our Ecclesiastical Province. It is on these themes that we have worked out the Commissions. These Commissions indicate in the best possible way how these particular aspects of evangelization could be practically approached at all levels. The Commissions at the grassroots are meant to be on-the-spot organs of formation and the reference point for all that is happening at that level, for this is where the Christian faith is lived concretely. In each Commission identified, we give its preamble, then go on to indicate its aims, composition, roles and method of work.

i. The PREAMBLE indicates in a general way the guiding spirit of the Commission based on Ecclesia in Africa or some other relevant Church Documents.
ii. The AIM clearly and simply indicates the main focus of the Commission.
iii. The COMPOSITION spells out the type and number on interested persons and resource persons needed to put into practice the aim of the Commission.
iv. The ROLE tells us what is expected of members of the Commission.
v. The METHOD shows us what the members of the Commission should practically do in order to achieve the basic goal of the Commission.


For effective implementation of the Pastoral Plan, the Diocesan Pastoral Formation Team is necessary at all levels of the Mission station, Parish, deanery, Diocese and Province. The main responsibility of the DPFT is formation of the People of God in the ‘New way of being Church’. The Diocesan Pastoral Formation team sees to the formation and training of the various Parish Pastoral Formation Teams. This is the technical body that ensures the formation, organization and working of all the 19 Commissions of the Pastoral Plan.

Pastoral Structures

There are all in all, 19 commissions:

  1. The Biblical Apostolate Commission
  2. The Liturgy Commission
  3. The Family Apostolate Commission
  4. The Small Christian Community Commission
  5. The Finance Commission
  6. The Men’s Affairs Commission
  7. The women’s Affairs
  8. The Education Commission
  9. The Health Apostolate Commission
  10. The Catholic Action/Prayer Group Commission
  11. The Ecclesial Movements and New Communities Commission
  12. The Catechetical Commission
  13. The Vocations Commission
  14. The Social Welfare Commission
  15. The Youth Apostolate Commission
  16. The Justice and Peace Commission
  17. The Inculturation Commission
  18. The Dialogue Commission
  19. He Social Communications Commission

1. The Biblical Apostolate Commission
The main aim of this commission is to make Christ known in and through the Scriptures and to make the Bible the first and preferential Handbook and Prayer book of the Christians. (E.A; no. 58) To sensitize the communities on the importance of owning, reading, sharing, praying and living the Bible with other Christians and non-Christians alike. This will be done through Gospel Sharing and faith sharing. In order to enhance the objectives of the Commission, members organize Bible Seminars at all levels as well as promote the enthronement of the Bible in homes. It is also the duty of the biblical commission to promote and facilitate the translation of the Bible into local languages.

2. The Liturgy Commission
The formation of Liturgy Commissions has been called by the Church since Vatican II. This spells out the importance of the Liturgy Commission in the life of the Church and in the implementation of the African Synod in order to bring the organization and promotion of Liturgical activities in the Local Church. The Liturgy commission is there to help the Christian people to celebrate their faith in community so that they may be sanctified and give greater glory and honour to God. The meticulous implementation of the liturgical directives of the competent ecclesiastical authority and the eradication of liturgical aberrations is the responsibility of the Liturgy commission. This commission makes proper study of the liturgy and related traditions with a view towards inculturation.

3. The Family Apostolate Commission
Ecclesia in Africa, it is clearly stated that the future of the world and the Church passes through the family. (E.A no. 80). Therefore, the family is a major priority area in evangelization. The Family is a place where the deep African value of life comes to be, and where it is protected and nourished. It is place of belonging where sharing and solidarity are at the heart of daily life and where each one feels him/her to be truly at home. The Diocesan Family Life Apostolate Office ensures that every Christian family becomes a privileged place for evangelical witness, a true domestic Church, a community which believes and evangelizes; a community in dialogue with God and generously open to the service of humanity. It Organizes seminars, promotional talks, and follow up meetings on family issues for various levels.

4. The Small Christian Community Commission
The SCC commission is the apostolate that sees to an effective evangelization from the grassroots. The Church as family cannot reach all her possibilities as Church unless she is divided into communities small enough to foster close human relationships. (E.A.89). hence the SCC commission aims at establishing and fostering Small Christian Communities in the Mission Stations, since they are basis on which the pastoral organigram is built.

5. The Finance Commission
The Finance commission takes care of the material and temporal well being of the local church at all levels. It is there to make sure that the diocese, every parish and Christian community achieve material and financial self-sufficiency in accordance with the demands of the African First Synod and in the administration of the temporal goods of the local Church. This commission is charged with drawing up budget for parishes and institutions, and also to look for reliable avenues of income generation for the diocese and parishes. Members of this commission that is most of the time made up of Lay financial experts; see to the proper accountability of the material and financial resources of the diocese/parish.
6. The Men’s Affairs Commission
African cultural values are such that men and women operate distinctly in order to achieve certain goals. In our diocese, there is a proliferation of groups consisting specifically of men or of women. For evangelization to penetrate into these traditional structures, we have this Commission specifically for Men and another for Women. This Commission, therefore serves to draw men closer to getting involved in the process of evangelization. The Commission will organize seminars on topics of interest for men. Help men identify and promote those aspects of their culture which enhance their own lives and the lives of others, and to fight against oppressive traditions.

7. The Women’s Affairs
The Women’s Affairs Commission serves to help women of our Local Church to realize their dignity, rights and duties in building up the family and society so as to fully participate and play their full role in the development of the Church and society. The Commission encourages women in their human, spiritual, economic, political, social development. Women’s groups are identified and empowered through educative programmes to enhance their integral growth and full integration into the life of the Church. By so doing the common practices that promote the subjection of women like forced/early, Female Genital Mutilation, maltreatment of widows, etc

8. The Education Commission
The aim of the Education Commission is to foster Catholic Education for all in Catholic and non-Catholic primary schools, secondary schools, post-secondary schools, universities and professional sectors of education. The Commission makes sure that all our Catholic Schools and catholic Christians in non-Catholic Institutions become truly agents of evangelization and propagation of the faith. Through the annual Catholic education week and other programmes greater awareness is raised about the necessity of Catholic education.

9. The Health Apostolate Commission
The Health Apostolate Commission in the diocese continues the healing ministry of Jesus Christ by preventing illness and providing integral healing of the human person that is, healing of the body and the soul. This is primarily done by their commitment to see to the provision of general health care services and particular health service of the handicap and terminally ill. Together with the Bamenda Ecclesiastical Provincial Health Assistance (BEPHA) scheme, the commission helps to bring quality and affordable health nearest to the people.

10. The Catholic Action/Prayer Group Commission
This is an important commission under the pastoral office which encourages the creation, and fostering of Catholic Action Prayer Groups in the church so that the members, well formed in the teaching of the church, and in compliance with the Chrism of their founders, may according to their interest and professions be faithful witnesses of the gospel in the world. They work to foster prayer and works of charity in the church.

11. The Ecclesial Movements and New Communities Commission
In the light of the aggiornamento of the Second Vatican Council, there are in the church today, many ecclesial movements which have arisen with specific charisms. This commission, therefore facilitates and encourage the introduction, fostering and guidance of these Ecclesial Movements and New Communities in our Local Church, so that introduced, they may continue to flourish according to the charisma of the founder and in faithful compliance to the authentic Teachings of the Church.

12. The Catechetical Commission
The Catechetical Commission aims at seeing the concrete formation of non-clerical catechetical agents and the actual teaching of the authentic doctrine of the Catholic Church in our entire mission stations, parishes and other institutions. The technical arm of the Catechetical Commission is the Mobile Catechetical Team which carries school to school, parish to parish and home to home on-going Catechetical formation.

13. The Vocations Commission
With the competent ladrship of the Diocesan Vocations Director, appointed by the Bishop, the Vocations Commission works to promote, foster and sustain vocations to the Priesthood, Religious Life, and other Institutes of Consecrated Life and to be Catechists. To promote, foster and promote sustain vocations to Missionary Societies and Congregations. Together with some members of Christ’s lay faithful, men and women of integrity, who enjoy a good reputation in the parish, people who are discrete, not gossips, and who can be trusted to treat with absolute confidentiality whatever they know about a candidate, they nurture and harness vocations in the diocese. The vocations Commission in all parishes guide the young aspirants in Vocations groups who eventually enter the diocesan minor seminary and the major seminary. The Vocations Director organizes annual “Vocations Camps” during which young aspirants all over the diocese come together to have a sense of direction and to be schooled on what a the vocation to the priesthood, and religious life entails.

14. The Social Welfare Commission
The Social Welfare Commission concerns itself with the Integral human development, that is, the development of every person and of the whole person, especially of the poorest and most neglected in the community. This is at the very heart of evangelization. The entire ministry of Jesus is marked by concern for all those around him who were suffering: persons in mourning, paralytics, lepers, the blind, the deaf, the mute (cf. Mt. 8:17). In order to further the mission of Christ in the church, the Social Welfare Commission assists men and women towards their integral human development, so that they become self-reliant. This is because all people are endowed with extra-ordinary dignity, through the Incarnation of God’s only Son, Jesus Christ and so they have to live according to his dignity. In effect, all social concerns (lack of portable water, rural electrification, women empowerment centres) of the Christians as well as village communities are taken up by this commission.

15. The Youth Apostolate Commission
Ecclesia in Africa, no. 93 emphatically states that the pastoral care of Youth must clearly be a part of the overall Pastoral Plan of Dioceses and Parishes, so that the young people will be enabled to discover very early the value of the gift, an essential means for the person to reach maturity. The Youth Apostolate Commission therefore forms an intimate part of the overall pastoral plan of the diocese. A youth Diocesan Youth Chaplain is normally appointed by the Bishop who oversees youth activities in the whole diocese. In like manner, as a matter of principle, every parish has a youth chaplain who coordinates the youths at parish and deanery levels. The Youth Apostolate Commission goes out to challenge the young people to take up great ideals in life, especially great Christian ideals, and above all the ideal of holiness. They help the youth develop a sense of respect for each other and unity among themselves. This Commission further helps the youth to take their responsibilities in the church while also educating the adults in the community to give the youths the opportunity to exercise their youthful talents in the building up of the church. These objectives are only achieved through the training of Youth Leaders and Animators at all levels. The Youth chaplain organizes annual Youth Celebrations at all levels. There are also Formation Sessions and Spiritual Activities e.g. Study Sessions and Courses, Retreats, Recollections, Seminars etc.

16. The Justice and Peace Commission
The Justice and Peace Commission is a very important and active commission in the Pastoral Organigram of the diocese. It helps in the building up of a just and peaceful society by promoting all that enhances the dignity of the human person, by combating and denouncing all that degrades and destroys the human person, by resolving conflicts. Through this commission, the witness of the Church is accompanied by a firm commitment to justice and solidarity by each member of the people of God. Catholic professionals and teachers, businessmen and civil servants, lawyers and politicians are especially expected to bear witness to goodness, truth, justice and love of God in their daily lives.[ ] (E.A. no. 105). The Justice and Peace engages in the prison apostolate, poverty alleviation through micro financing, elections observation, settling of land disputes and inheritance disagreements among Christians and non-Christians alike. Each year, the Diocesan Justice and Peace Coordinator and his team organizes sensitization tours, awareness sessions and training on determinants of injustice and how to handle issues of human rights violation.

17. The Inculturation Commission
One of the major novelties of Ecclesia in Africa was the emergence of the “theology of Inculturation”. The Pope challenged the African Church in the following Words: “Today I urge you to look inside yourself. Look to the riches of your own traditions, look to the faith, which we are celebrating in this Assembly. Here you will find genuine freedom – here you will, find Christ who will lead you to the Truth.”[ ](E.A., no. 48) In response, therefore, to this clarion call of the Holy Father, the diocese instituted the Inculturation Commission whose task is to make Christianity to feel at home with our Cultures and our Cultures to feel at home with Christianity, so that our faith may truly enlighten and inform our Culture, be fully accepted and lived daily in its entirety. The Commission organizes research work both on our culture and on our faith. symposia, colloquies, debates and courses on various aspects of the faith and culture. It makes great use the media to sensitize the people on inculturation. By so doing, some of the cultural practices which do not enhance human dignity and are repugnant to equity and good conscience are abandoned and those cultural values that are worth incorporating into Christian values are baptized.

18. The Dialogue Commission
The Dialogue Commission is one of the commissions of the Pastoral Plan which helps Christians to realize that all people are created in the image and likeness of God; that all people belong to one family of God; that all people have a yearning for God who is the ultimate goal of humanity. The Dialogue Commission encourages reconciliation among all the people of God, especially interreligious dialogue by organizing the week of prayer for Christian unity. It strives to help Christians overcome various forms of divisions in the society.

19. The Social Communications Commission
The emergence of the technological boom in the 21st century propelled the Holy Father in Ecclesia in Africa to list the means of social Communications as one of the main areas of activity in which evangelization must be expressed in order that it may reach individual human beings and society in every aspect of their existence. The Social Communications commission of the diocese aims at making Christ known, loved and followed within and outside of the Catholic Church using the Means of Social Communication and to evangelize the Means of Social communication. In the diocese of Mamfe, the Social Communications Director, runs a Communications service comprising a New Paper publication; Porta Fidei”, a printing and production press. The hope is that a TV and radio broadcasting service could be put in place within these five years strategic plan.


Date of Creation of the Diocese February 9, 1999
First and Bishop The Right Reverend Francis Teke Lysinge
Current Bishop The Right Reverend Andrew Fuanya Nkea
Surface Area 10,500sq KM
Main Ethnic Groups Bangwas, Bayangs, Ejaghams, Mbos, Mundani, Bassossi, Awanchi-Betieku, Anyangs, M’mocks, Bokis, and  Ekot-Ngbas
Total Population 550,000
Catholic Population 10,500
Clergy and Religious
Bishop 2
Priests in the Diocese 54
Diocesan Priests 46
Religious  Priests 18
Major Seminarians 68
Communities of Religious Men 2
Communities of Religious Women 8
Movement for Apostolate Life 1
Deaneries, Parishes, Quasi Parishes, Cathedral
Deaneries 4
Parishes 25
Cathedral 1
Health Care Institutions
Hospitals 2
Health Centers 7
Catholic Education
Primary Schools 23
Total Pupils 3,616
Secondary Schools 8
Total Students 1,126
Minor Seminary 1
Total Students 64
Formation for the Priesthood Spiritual Center 1
Formation of the Catechist Institute 1

Objective: To enhance the capacity of over 375 Parish Pastoral Formation Team and Commission members on the skills and techniques of handing down the faith by 40% within the diocese of Mamfe between January 2015 and December 2020

Activities Target Population Responsible Officer Out put Time Frame
Formation and Training of Diocesan Pastoral Formation Team (DPFT) to carryout awareness sessions and sensitization on “The New Way of Being Church”. Members of the DPFT Director of the Diocesan Pastoral Formation Team 2 weeks workshop of 15 participants at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre 1st 6 months of the year
Formation and Training of Deanery Pastoral Formation Teams: Seminars on the Provincial Pastoral Plan and Agents of Evangelization. Parishioners Director of the Diocesan Pastoral Formation Team 1 month training and formation of 125 members of the Deanery Pastoral Formation Teams 3 years
Diocesan Pastoral Week: All 25 parishes of the Diocese coming together for 1 week: Formation and training on Gospel Sharing, Small Christian Communities and 19 Commissions. Parishioners Diocesan Pastoral Formation Team 1 week of pastoral and economic development seminars over 375 participants from all the parishes of the diocese 5 years
Completion of the Construction of Hostels at the Pastoral Centre Parishioners and stakeholders Director of Diocesan Pastoral Centre Work to complete 30 rooms the Hostel construction project 3years
Catechists’ Seminars at Diocesan Level both for trained and untrained Catechists All trained and untrained Catechists of the Diocese Diocesan Director of Catechists formation 248 Catechists in the diocese would receive training on the New Evangelization 5years
Leadership Seminars to all SCC and Parish Pastoral Council Leaders SCC/Parish Leaders Director of Pastoral Formation Team The members of the Parish Pastoral Councils would be trained on their role in the parish community Time Frame

Objective: To identify, foster, promote and sustain vocations to the Priesthood in the diocese.

Activities Beneficiaries Accountability Expected Out put Time Frame
Sponsor of over 80 Seminarians each year in 9 Seminarians in the World The Diocese The Diocesan Vocations Director A total of 15 Seminarians entering the Seminary each year 5years
Running of Diocesan vocations Camp every year Interested Youth/Aspirants The Vocations Director/Commission Over 90 interested young people attend each year 5years
The Diocesan Vocations Commission to visit Parish Communities, minor and Major Seminaries in the Diocese for Vocations’ promotion The Vocations Commission The Diocesan Vocations Director 25 parishes, 2 Seminaries visited 5years
Visitation of Minor Seminaries, Major Seminaries and Seminarians on Pastoral Experience/ Probation The Seminarians The Vocations Director I meeting each year 5years

Objective: To improve upon he integral Christian Formation of Youths in the diocese by 2020

Activities Beneficiaries Accountability Expected Out put Time Frame
Youth Planning Meetings for the year’s program of activities The Youths Diocesan Youth Chaplain I meeting held in a central place. 5 years
Leadership workshop for the all youth leaders in the diocese Youth Leaders in the parishes Diocesan Youth Chaplain 1 leadership workshop carried out in the Diocesan Pastoral Centre 5 years
Parochial Animation of Youth activities by the Volunteer Youth Animator From St John’s Parish – Nurtingen Youths Diocesan Youth Chaplain/Volunteer youth animator Youth animation programs in all 4 deaneries of the diocese 1 year
Parochial Youth Week in all Parishes Youths Parochial Youth Chaplains All 25 parishes hold annual Youth Week with activities to attain the overall objective of the Youth Apostolate Commission 5 years
Youth Apostolate Commission Meetings Youths Diocesan Youth Apostolate Commission All 4 deaneries of the diocese hold Youth Apostolate Commission meetings which involves some adults 5 years
Diocesan Youth Rally Youths Diocesan Youth Chaplain The Youths of all 25 parishes gather around the Bishop for the World Youth Day 5 years

Objective 1: To enhance fuller knowledge of Scriptures by all the faithful
Objective 2: To make sure becomes the first Handbook of prayer for all Christians in the diocese by 2020.

Activities Beneficiaries Accountability Expected Out put Time Frame
Formation of the Biblical Apostolate Commission in all the parishes Parishioners Diocesan Coordinator of the Biblical Apostolate 25 Commissions formed in all parishes and running 1 year
Writing of Project proposal for funding of the Apostolate’s activities Parishioners Coordinator of the Biblical Apostolate Commission Funds acquired for the Commission 1st year of Strategic Plan
Application for Religious Materials to Funding Agencies (ACN) Parishioners Coordinator of the Biblical Apostolate Commission Copies of Childrens’ Bibles, “Via Crucis”, Praying the rosary, etc sent to the Commission for distribution to all the SCCs 3 years
To organize Bible Seminars so as to increase biblical knowledge by Christians Parishioners Coordinator of the Biblical Apostolate Commission 4 Seminars held in all the 4 Deaneries of the Diocese 4 years

Objective: To form and train a Diocesan Choir to animate at Liturgical Activities at Diocesan Level

Activities Beneficiaries Accountability Expected Out put Time Frame
Sensitization and formation of the Choir The lay faithful, priests and Religious in all parishes and institutions The Diocesan Music Director A diocesan Choir Formed and receiving ongoing training 1 year
Conduct Music Seminars at diocesan level Choristers The Diocesan Music Director 1 week long Seminar held on Music Theory and practice 5 years
Raise Funds for Musical Instruments Choristers The Diocesan Music Director Donations secured from local and external sources/purchase of Musical Instruments 3 years
Musical Concerts to enhance talents Parishioners Diocesan Liturgy Commission 1 Grand Musical Concert conducted at the diocesan level 5 years

Objective: To form and train a Diocesan Choir to animate at Liturgical Activities at Diocesan Level

Activities Beneficiaries Accountability Expected Out put Time Frame
Setting up of the Radio and Television Service Diocese/Population Diocese/Population Diocesan Coordinator of Communications Documents processed and tabled for authorization to run 12 months
Training of Communications Staff/capacity building for Radio/Television Communications Desk workers Diocesan Coordinator of Communications 5 Communications workers would have been trained 3 months
Setting up of a diocesan Printing Press Diocese Diocesan Coordinator of Communications Purchase of equipment installation/establishment of the Diocesan Printing Press 5 years
Awareness Sessions on the Means of Communication in the diocese through Communications Seminars Parishioners Diocesan Communications Commission Sensitization carried out in all 25 parishes of the 4 deaneries 5 years
Social Communications day celebration on the Mass Media Collection Day Diocese Diocesan Communications Commission Activities to promote evangelization through means of social communication in all the 25 parish communities 5 years