The Office for Justice and Peace is a very important office within the Diocese. This office works closely with the Provincial Office of Justice and Peace and also with the national Office of Justice and Peace.

No. Names Functions
1 Miss Susan Dede Diocesan Coordinator
2 Mr. Oliver Ashui Som Assistant Diocesan Coordinator
3 Mr. George Fru Consultant and Legal Adviser


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The BEPPAN Project:
It is implemented at the level of the Bamenda Ecclesiastical Province including Mamfe Diocese. The project was conceived due to the deplorable state of prison conditions in the region.

Reconcile Inmates with their Families

Justice and Peace succeeded to reconcile over 80% of inmates (180) with their families. Some of these had lost contact with their families or some family members had no knowledge of prisoners’ whereabouts. Thanks to Justice and Peace the families of such inmates were traced and contacts created with inmates which brought joy and consolation at both levels of parents and inmates.

Respect of Human Rights through Educative Talks

As a result of Educative Talks on Human rights to both inmates and prison staff, the treatment and respect of Human Rights of inmates is improved as well as increased awareness of inmates of their rights. Prison staff are now more conscious of the human rights of inmates and treat them more humanely. To crown it all the Justice and Peace Commission celebrated the International Human Rights Day with inmates and prison staff last year. Total population that benefitted stood at about 250 people.

JUSTICE AND PEACE Staff briefing inmates and Prison staff on Human Rights and Presentation of Food items by JUSTICE AND PEACE Staff to inmates

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Reintegration and Reinsertion of Inmates through Skill Development

This is a remarkable activity at the Mamfe Principal prison as training for the eventual reintegration and reinsertion of inmates is improved through acquisition of skills. About 22 inmates indicated their interest to be trained with sewing skills. This was the proper skill that could easily reintegrate them in to the society. The purpose of the skill development program was to establish the training centre for the inmates of the Mamfe Principal Prison and to give them the opportunity to build up themselves with sewing and weaving skills thereby helping them in their rehabilitation. The project provided sewing machines and training materials for the inmates. Below are pictures of inmates during practical and sample of their practical work.

JUSTICE AND PEACE: Inmates acquiring and Portraying Tailoring and Weaving skills

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Training of Prison Staff on BEPPAN Project

The prison staff were trained on the objectives of the BEPPAN Project and more especially on the reinforcement of human rights in the prison. The prison Administrator cautioned the prison staff to give in their maximum collaboration. He enjoined that all the staff should acquaint themselves with the project objectives and work tirelessly to attain them.

JUSTICE AND PEACE: Cross section of Prison and JUSTICE AND PEACE staff during BEPPAN training

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Payment of Court Fees

Inmates who had served their prison terms but were not released because they had costs and fines to pay were supported by JUSTICE AND PEACE through the BEPPAN Project and eventually had their liberty. The total number of freed prisoners that benefitted from the support in the course of 2015 was twenty one. Psychosocial Support

The inmates of Mamfe Principal Prison also benefited from Counseling. Besides enforcing human rights and skill development, the JUSTICE AND PEACE Staff also gave psychosocial support to the inmates in the form of counseling and spiritual upgrading. The inmates benefited from Holy mass every Sunday and some occasional days within the week which helped to push forth their human dignity.

Through psychosocial support, some inmates who were living in trauma have now come out of it and can share their worries with JUSTICE AND PEACE Staff, Prison Chaplain or Prison Staff as and when necessary. This helped to build their inner mind and restore their self confidence and thus dignity. The activity was supported by Mamfe Diocese.

JUSTICE AND PEACE: Prisoners with priests during Holy mass under the sun within prison facilities and Counseling through Homily

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Provision of Food Items to Prisoners
Mamfe Diocese usually provides a meal and food items to the Mamfe Prison during Christmas, Easter and during the celebration of World Human Rights day. Last year the Justice and Peace team shared a meal with the prisoners and also provided food items to be cooked for the prisoners.

JUSTICE AND PEACE: JUSTICE AND PEACE staff sharing foodstuff to prisoners

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Conflict Resolution (Including receiving Complaints)

This program is achieved at the level of the Justice and Peace office vicinity where the general public is encouraged to bring up complaints for peaceful and amicable settlement. Last year, about thirty nine conflicts were successfully resolved and all parties went back home satisfied and with a forgiving heart.

This programme prevented the parties from spending much money and time in legal proceedings. Parishioners and residents from nearby communities now come to JUSTICE AND PEACE for amicable settlement of their issues. This ongoing program is funded by Mamfe Diocese.

JUSTICE AND PEACE: Prisoners with priests during Holy mass under the sun within prison facilities and Counseling through Homily

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Debt Recovery

JUSTICE AND PEACE also acts as a mediator in the settlement of debts. When the debtor agrees to pay back the debt, an agreement is prepared by JUSTICE AND PEACE on modalities of repayment which terms are usually respected by the debtor who fears to be taken to court. About twenty three debt settlement/recovery efforts were achieved in 2015.

Parishioners from nearby parishes now come to JUSTICE AND PEACE for amicable settlement of their debts.

This program is funded by Mamfe Diocese.

JUSTICE AND PEACE: JUSTICE AND PEACE staff promoting debt recovery in Diocesan Office

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Educative Talk on Violence Against Women

The communities of Nchingang, Alonkong and Magha benefitted from the knowledge sharing exercise which was organised due to the common practice of sidelining women in development issues of the community as revealed during the needs assessment exercise. Knowledge shared includes defining the concept, perpetrators of violence on women, why, where, types and ways of dealing with and preventing violence. It was from this talk that the population understood that there exists a phenomenon called human rights. The fall out of the talks were promises to treat women with respect and granting of equal opportunities for both men and women in the community.

Justice and Peace: Educative Talk on Violence Against Women

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Some major activities not executed as planned are: Training of community members on Human Rights, legal and governance issues, Plays and video documentaries on governance, Upkeep and healthcare for prisoners, Outreach education to widows on their rights and identification of victims of inhuman treatment and assistance, Workshop on disability rights, Income generation for disabled people.